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RE: Blogs - 8

1. Most of us pay for hosting our domains in which to blog on - - however, under what circumstances would you shell out hard earned cash so that you can use the blogging platform (i.e. your blogging application). Considering Movable Type’s recent license fees - - would you? If yes, why - - If no, why not?
For the right tool, I'll pay! I love Ecto (paid) for managing my blogs off-line and Transmit for FTP/textediting but I need to see if I need to pay for that one (or if I have).

2. RE: Linkage - - I’ve seen many a trick to increase traffic and ratings in certain ecosystem offerings. For example - a few I’ve seen have one or two domains as a mirror to their main one and register all domains with TTLB - - so every post that you make is mirrored on the ’secondary domain’ - and each post is linked to the ‘primary domain’ which is recorded by the ecosystem as an inbound link….which could, for examle, bring your inbound links from 100 to 400 - depending. Do you have methods you use to ‘trick’ the ecosystem to skew your results to give you a higher rating? Care to share them? What tricks do you use?
No but I'm making notes... Actually i guess I'm doing something similar (but it's to keep what little I've got, not generate more), I decided to modify my url so I started changing it previously to start moving some traffic and now that I'm using it I've slowing been changing the blocks of links (images, archives, main root, etc.) it hopes to have my traffic move with (I just don't want to disappear from the blogosphere). From your logic maybe I'll stretch out the process a little longer... I don't want a higher rating, I want more visitors....

3. RE: Templates - - show off some of your extra add-ons you’ve been working on with your templates. What’cha been up to, huh? huh?
My image (as of this post) on the background is a live ariel view of Dearborn, MI (everytime you refresh it's updated). The colors match the blue and green of the Earth. At dawn and sunset and other times during the day you can see the dividing line between light and dark (it must have a name?). I was doing the moon, but it was tooooo sloooooww.

4. RE: Other blogs - - Show us some of the newer blogs you’ve linked to recently, in the past week, or so. We all like seeing new blogs and fresh material. Who are they - and why’d ya link ‘em?
Okay, clearly this is going to be a regular thing and I need to get prepared for it. On my blog I've been running a scrolling sidebar (well it might not scroll in all browsers, but it should atlease be there) for "Interesting Recent Sites" (so check it out), I did just change the date format, so it's not consistent but it'll be oklay in a day or three (I only keep the last 30 or so). I've got a script to grab the URL and title or highlighted text and add the date and ftp it up (it get's included via PHP).

From RE: Blogs .


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